Rhino.Python - tessellation and subdivision



Using recursive loop and drawing to tessellate and subdivide surfaces. Warning: This is only the rough first version so contain lots of problems and bugs. Use it carefully, otherwise it will crash your computer. A lot of problem need to be solved. Problem: The dirction and orientation of subdivision faces should be organized. Using surface is not an efficient way. Should turn surfaces into meshes.




Computational Design Assignment 04
Tessellation and Subdivision
Written by:
Gene Ting-Chun Kao
This is only the rough first version so contain lots of problems and bugs.
Use it carefully, otherwise it will crash your computer.
The dirction and orientation of subdivision faces should be organized.
Using surface is not a good way. Should turn surfaces into meshes.
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino as rh
import math
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
from scriptcontext import escape_test
from scriptcontext import doc
from random import *
def DivideSrfUV(srf, dividU, dividV):
    Divid surface method
    return: uv vector
    uv position using vector, so uv can be calculate later.
    domainU = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 0)
    domainV = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 1)
    uStep = (domainU[1]-domainU[0])/dividU
    vStep = (domainV[1]-domainV[0])/dividV
    uvList = []
    for i in range(dividU+1):
        u0 = domainU[0] + uStep*i
        if i < (dividU):
            u1 = domainU[0] + uStep*(i+1)
            for j in range(dividV+1):
                v0 = domainV[0] + vStep*j
                if j < (dividV):
                    v1 = domainV[0] + vStep*(j+1)
                    vec00 = rg.Vector3d(u0,v0,0)
                    vec01 = rg.Vector3d(u1,v0,0)
                    vec02 = rg.Vector3d(u1,v1,0)
                    vec03 = rg.Vector3d(u0,v1,0)
                    uvList.append( [ vec00, vec01, vec02, vec03 ] )
    return uvList
def subdivision(srf, uvList, iteration):
    newSrf = []
    count = 0
    ratio = 0.2
    for panelUV in uvList:
        if count%2 == 1:
            midPt00 = vecRatio(panelUV[0], panelUV[1], ratio)
            midPt01 = vecRatio(panelUV[1], panelUV[2], ratio)
            midPt02 = vecRatio(panelUV[2], panelUV[3], ratio)
            midPt03 = vecRatio(panelUV[3], panelUV[0], ratio)
            midPt00 = vecRatio(panelUV[0], panelUV[1], ratio, True)
            midPt01 = vecRatio(panelUV[1], panelUV[2], ratio, True)
            midPt02 = vecRatio(panelUV[2], panelUV[3], ratio, True)
            midPt03 = vecRatio(panelUV[3], panelUV[0], ratio, True)
        midPts = [ midPt00, midPt01, midPt02, midPt03 ]
        centerPt = vecAverage(midPts)
        #centerPt = vecAverage(panelUV)
        pt0 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, panelUV[0][0], panelUV[0][1])
        pt1 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, midPt00[0], midPt00[1])
        pt2 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, panelUV[1][0], panelUV[1][1])
        pt3 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, midPt03[0], midPt03[1])
        pt4 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, centerPt[0], centerPt[1])
        pt5 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, midPt01[0], midPt01[1])
        pt6 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, panelUV[3][0], panelUV[3][1])
        pt7 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, midPt02[0], midPt02[1])
        pt8 = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, panelUV[2][0], panelUV[2][1])
        centerNormal = rs.SurfaceNormal( srf, pt4 )
        centerPtExtrude = vecExtrude(pt4, centerNormal, iteration*3 + 0.4)
        pt4 = centerPtExtrude
        s0 = rs.AddSrfPt([pt0,pt1,pt4,pt3])
        s1 = rs.AddSrfPt([pt1,pt2,pt5,pt4])
        s2 = rs.AddSrfPt([pt4,pt5,pt8,pt7])
        s3 = rs.AddSrfPt([pt3,pt4,pt7,pt6])
        count += 1
    for s in newSrf:
        if iteration > 0:
            uv = DivideSrfUV(s, 1, 1)
            subdivision(s, uv, iteration-1)
    return newSrf
def vecAverage(vecList):
    preVec = rg.Vector3d(0,0,0)
    for vec in vecList:
        preVec = rg.Vector3d.Add(preVec, vec)
    return rg.Vector3d.Divide(preVec, len(vecList))
def vecRatio(vecA, vecB, r = 0.5, rotation = False):
    if rotation == False:
        if r > 1:
            r = 1
        elif r < 0:
            r = 0
            r = r
        if r > 1:
            r = 0
        elif r < 0:
            r = 1
            r = 1 - r
    vecBA = rg.Vector3d.Subtract(vecA, vecB)
    rVec = rg.Vector3d.Multiply(r, vecBA) + vecB
    return rVec
def vecExtrude(vec, normal, s = 1):
    normal = rs.VectorScale(normal, s)
    extrudePt = rs.VectorAdd(vec, normal)
    return extrudePt
def main():
    surface = rs.GetObject("pick a surface.", rs.filter.surface)
    uv = DivideSrfUV(surface, 3, 3)
    subdivision(surface, uv, 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":